Our Values

We acknowledge the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation and our part in promoting them. IPOCH will utilise resources developed for Postgraduate students by ORBIT (https://www.orbit-rri.org/about), including Self-Assessment tools to determine our current level of alignment.
Responsible innovation aligned to healthcare research has unique challenges in healthcare. Our partners are engaged in expanding existing Trusted Research Environment (TRE). Through the Wales TRE ecosystem our students will benefit from working in a safe, secure, governed data integration environment, whilst being exposed to data governance and security best practice, an essential prerequisite for modern clinical research.
We will establish a Patient Public Interaction group; specifically to ensure that we remain guided by our wider community.
The Hub will use an open science approach to make scientific research and dissemination accessible to all levels (science, industry, society). We will use as a reference the new UKRI’s open access policy for research publications developed through collaborative networks. We will follow the model used internationally such as those use for instance at The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA).